Thursday 6 March 2014

拍AV賺學費,圖片分析-Kenny Lau

拍A片籌學費 美女大生真面目曝光

克大學(Duke University)法律系大一新生貝拉諾克絲(Belle Knox)還記得先前美國一名19歲女大生為了就讀一級名校,不惜出賣自己的身體下海拍A片應付高昂學費,引發的爭議嗎?近日,這名正妹的影像在網路上曝光,連真實姓名也大喇喇的攤在陽光下!
根據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報導,網路化名蘿倫(Lauren)的杜克大學(Duke University)法律系大一新生,本名為貝拉諾克絲(Belle Knox), 近日她自己在網路上公開自己的本名以及影像,再度掀起話題。

Duke porn star Belle Knox reveals herself

The Duke porn star has come out from under the covers.

The university freshman — who bared her skin in blue movies to pay for college — bared her soul Tuesday in an online column in which she posted her picture and revealed her stage name as Belle Knox, the New York Post reports.

She wrote about how she has been bullied on campus since word of her racy part-time job spread.

“My decision to do porn to pay for college was a private one I made, and then I was outed to my university classmates by another Duke student who had seen me on the Internet a few months ago,” Knox wrote on the XO Jane website. “He proceeded to reveal who I was to the entire Greek system . . . I started to be harassed. He started to be applauded.”
Knox first sparked controversy when she posted an anonymous column on the Jane site last month, talking about how she worked as a porn actress while attending the prestigious North Carolina school.
Recontextualization: 英=》中(台灣)。今次選的是HK。YAHOO +FOXNEWS 兩者均為商業機構。選圖不同:前者比堅尼,後者小背心TANK-TOP;新聞位置:前者屬國際頭條,後者娛樂次文。圖片位置很大程度上是基於商業考慮,取圖分映同則新聞,香港跟美國的「讀者需求」不同。HIGHLIGHT為雙語特徵,值得留意的是HKYAHOO找到台灣風格的文章,反映HKYAHOO和台灣奇摩相關的連繫。另外,首文引用每日郵報CROSS REFERENCE),很可能為增加外地故事的說服力。

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