Tuesday, 29 April 2014

               by Lisa


另外, 更有趣的是, 在一個老外的中文博客中,他通過自己對中文的理解,竟然創造出新的中國字!雖然我們也是看不懂,但通過理解和猜想還是能夠猜出個大概意思來。

  1. 一般性口臭
  2. 急性口臭
  3. 闲话
  4. 挞克馅饼(是一种墨西哥菜,肉在凹陷的麵包上面)
  5. 多层营销(MLM)
  6. 断臂山(电影的英文名字叫做《断背山》)

Super heroes識印銀紙?- by James

認真觀察,不難發現幾部作品製作規模大同小異,盡用綠屏拍攝,視覺特技行頭,實景盡量在美國內取材;卡士方面,片乎幾乎只跟稍有知名度但價錢不高的演員簽固定片約,配搭開價較低的A-級導演或電視導演,企圖壓低人工成本。同時為加強「戲味」,片商會找號召力極強的實力派作配角招徠,諸如飾演奧丁大帝的安東尼鶴健士(Anthony Hawkins)、飾演 Jane Foster 的妮坦莉佩雯(Natalie Portman)及飾演小辣椒 Pepper Potts 的桂莉芙柏德露等。
電影還用盡方法「吊癮」,盡量利用片後的「加插段落」(post-credit scene)鋪設伏線。對漫畫迷,或甚宅男來說,這一招有助激發族群討論劇情的興致,炒熱電影人氣;對一般觀眾來說,除了吸引他們的好奇,更重要的是令他們有「物超所值」的感覺,食完再拎,很爽吧!
大膽說,《鐵甲奇俠》以後的 Marvel 電影近乎無失手,只有「收得好」或「收得更好」的分別,以及「口碑好」和「口碑更好」的分別。《復仇者聯盟》更是這種精密計算的極致,起用叫好不叫座的「宅男之神」Joss Whedon 執導,不獨大收旺場,連帶炒熱雷神和變形俠醫等部分國際知名度低的英雄,可謂一石N鳥,
剛上畫的《美國隊長2》(Captain America︰The Winter Soldier),上周末美國票房衝破7億5,000萬港元!受惠於Marvel製作模式,加上《復仇者聯盟》效應,它篤定成為上半年最賣座的商業電影之冠,可以說荷里活的super heroes真會引銀紙!

Monday, 28 April 2014

I love Chinese food!
By Lisa

Nowadays, thanks to the internet and globlization, we can listen to different kinds of songs in different languages. we may not understand the song if it was performed in a language which we are not familiar with, we can still get its meaning by reading the translated lyrics online. here would like to share you guys an interesting video that a western girl who use music to express her loving of Chinese food. the song was sung in English but the subtitles were in various languages. it is the first time i saw a foreign language MV can be delivered in this way and I think it is really a creative way to promote the Chinese food world widely.

enjoy and hope you don't feel hungry after watching this.

"Most sorrowful regret" - By Kourtney Woo

長達三年零八個月的抗爭,以一句“most sorrowful regret"來作結。

在人質事件受害者及其家屬接受菲方的「道歉」後,各大香港媒體對“most sorrowful regret"進行不同的解讀,但大多數人都認為“regret"不是道歉,即使加上了“most sorrowful",充其量也只是表達到菲方對此事發生的悲痛。以下為一則《蘋果日報》的報導:
【本報訊】經過3年8個月,菲政府始終不肯向受害者及家屬正式道歉,只對事件表示「most sorrowful regret」,而非「apology」。有資深英文教師表示,regret只表示對事件極度遺憾及難過,apology才是正式道歉及承認自己做錯事。


資深英文教師伍經衡(Richard Eng)表示,apology是正式道歉,包含承認自己做錯的意思。regret只表示遺憾及難過,沒有承認責任的意思; sorrowful意即悲痛,兩詞放在一起只加強遺憾及哀傷語氣,沒承認責任。政府新聞稿將most sorrowful regret繙譯成「最悲痛的歉意」,但「歉意」只代表「唔好意思,好抱歉,好似你話『好抱歉我今次嚟唔到』」。Richard Eng又指01年美國前國務卿鮑威爾於中美南海撞機事件發生後,曾說「we regret that」,「We've expressed sorrow for it, and we're sorry...but it can't be seen as an apology, accepting responsibility」,顯示 regret不等同正式道歉。
Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20140424/18699135
我大緻上認同文中對“most sorrowful regret”的理解。老實説,我實在也看不到菲方的道歉信裏有承擔到其責任,不過另外有不少報導指到港的菲律賓內閣部長與人質受害者及家屬的會面時有向他們道歉,因此港府官方文件把“most sorrowful regret"翻譯成「最悲痛的歉意」也許是想息事寧人吧。


Almendras: No public apology from PH gov’t but expression of ‘sorrowful regret’

Thursday, April 24, 2014
THE Philippine government did not issue a public apology but expressed its "sorrowful regret and sympathy" over the 2010 tragic Luneta hostage-taking incident more than three years ago, a Palace official said Thursday.
Cabinet Secretary Jose Rene Almendras said that Philippine National Police chief Director General Alan Purisima came up with a letter given to all the 21 families and victims of the August 2010 hostage taking incident.
"The PNP chief…expressed sorrowful regret and sympathy, and explained what was the police action based on, what was the opinion why it went wrong. To some families it was very important," he said in a media briefing in Malacanang after his trip to Hong Kong on Wednesday when the issue was finally resolved.
But he admitted that he himself, being the senior government official who flew to Hong Kong, did not make an apology on behalf of President Benigno Aquino III nor of the Philippine government."Some people would actually say that the letter of General Purisima is also a form of apology because there were certain paragraphs in that letter that were purposely structured to explain certain things and answer certain questions," Almendras said.
"Did I apologize for President Aquinio? I did not say anything to that effect but I expressed certain emotions and certain things relative to that but it was not an outright… I have no authority to say 'I am sorry in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines' but we made sure that we address the issues po," he said.
"I guess that we go back to the most important thing. The most important thing is the families have already accepted it, na hindi ho masama ang loob nila," he added.
Almendras said that a token of solidarity was also being extended to the families of the victims of the hostage crisis.
But he did not divulge the amount, saying it was confidential.
He said most of the contents of the agreements between the Philippines and Hong Kong, including the families of the victims, were confidential.
Not a single peso or Hong Kong dollar came from either the Philippine or Hong Kong governments for the token of solidarity, he said.
The amount came from "businessmen, ordinary citizens, people who cared, even people who were close to certain people in organizations," he said, adding that the victims' families will receive the token within the week.
The Cabinet Secretary apologized for the secrecy surrounding his series of trips to Hong Kong because "there was a lot of emotion and a lot of sensitivity to families and persons who were involved."
"There were 21 victims, 21 families, 21 lives, 21 different perspectives, 21 different opinions," he said.
"Hindi po one size fits all. Every single consideration po, every member of the family or every victim's family had to be put in place," he added.
With the resolution of the hostage-taking incident, Hong Kong lifted the sanction that require Philippine officials and diplomatic passport holders to apply for visas when visiting Hong Kong, as well as the "black" travel alert that warned Hong Kong citizens against travelling to the Philippines.
Almendras said the issue is now closed. "Once and for all, completely, absolutely, tapos na ito," he said.
He also thanked Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada, who accompanied him in Hong Kong, for his help.
Eight tourists from Hong Kong were killed during the August 2010 hostage taking perpetrated by a dismissed police officer, who was also slain in the incident. (SDR/Sunnex)
Source: http://www.sunstar.com.ph/breaking-news/2014/04/24/almendras-no-public-apology-ph-gov-t-expression-sorrowful-regret-339615
從文章的內容中不難發現,菲政府面對著其人民的時候依然堅持是次訪港並沒有以國家或總統的名義認錯,更表示最重要的是受害人接受聲明就可,可見菲政府其實是毫無悔意 ,"most sorrowful regret"跟本不是如官方翻譯般, 為菲方的「最悲痛的歉意」。更離譜的是看到一則留言指香港人接受這次道歉證明他們抗爭只為了錢,跟公義並沒有關係。作為香港人及目擊著人質事件發生的我,對這一篇報導當然是感到憤怒,但再想深一層,認為事件的受害者及其家屬接受「道歉」也許是因為他們累了,不想再為此事糾纏下去。面對如此無賴的政府,即使他們口説道歉,但心裏根本不認為自己有錯,這樣的道歉還有意義嗎?與其不停爭取無誠意的道歉,倒不如讓事件吿一段落,不要再在受害者的傷口上灑鹽了。


39件只有香港人才能理解的事 by Maggie Hui

原文: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/things-only-people-who-live-in-hong-kong-will-understand

翻譯文章: https://www.facebook.com/Raven7215
一位美國人去完香港後既反應, 寫左39件只有香港人先會理解既事, 當中好多都係坐地鐵,天氣同埋食物既描寫,大家不妨笑下 


2.天氣轉變得非常快, 今天大晴天明天可能是滂沱大雨



5.夏天天氣更加變幻莫測, 早上陰天下午可以是大晴天


7.雷雨來得異常地快, 通常一小時之內可以變天


9.陰霾大得有點過份, 什至電影哈比人第2集的片名也要借鏡
(哈比人第2集片名是The Desolation of Smaug)

10.雞蛋仔是天堂般的食物, 沒有吃過的人是無法理解. 

11.地鐵多人到不得了, 奇怪是永遠沒有人會說『等下班車』

12.生活節奏急促, 每次排隊開閘時好像跑馬一樣


14.地鐵埋站停車時, 你會自動習得MJ的45度高難度動作

15.港式愛情的表現:『在擁抱中亙相玩smart phone』

16.過了金鐘站, 全車的人好像人間蒸發了一樣

17.拿著行李時身邊全都擠滿了人, 沒拿行李時身邊一個人也沒有

18.交通工具上太多人,想緊握扶手時, 很易握錯了別人的手











29.司機駕駛技術超卓,可一邊開車一邊玩CANDY CRUSH

30.在香港拍照, 永遠都是灰灰曚曚的




34.8元的富豪雪糕比HAAGEN DAZS雪糕更好吃


36.法式多士好味? 可能你還未吃過港式西多士



39.Hong Kong這個詞彙發音完全不需要用到舌頭和嘴唇! 很神奇吧!



除了這39件事外在我們的生活中又有沒有其他只有住在香港的人會了解的事呢? 最常見的是相機食先就算已經很餓都堅持要拍照後才食然後再分享到各個不同的社交網站留下你嘗試過的證明


Saturday, 26 April 2014

《孔子》語錄的英文翻譯 By Tiffany & Christy


知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.
有教無類。In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.
當仁,不讓於師。When it comes to benevolence, one need not give precedence even to his teacher.
學而時習之,不亦說乎? Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?
溫故而知新,可以為師矣。If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.
學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.
敏而好學,不恥下問。He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors.
十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好學也。In a hamlet of ten families, there may be found one honourable and sincere as I am, but not so fond of learning.
我非生而知之者好古敏以求之者也。I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.
默而識之,學而不厭,誨人不倦,何有於我哉。The silent treasuring up of knowledge; learning without satiety; and instructing others without being wearied — which one of these things belongs to me?
三人行,必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之;其不善者而改之。When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.
學如不及,猶恐失之。Learn as if you could not reach your object, and were always fearing also lest you should lose it.

中國成語和俗語的英文翻譯 By Tiffany & Christy

1. 鐵石心腸 cruel and unrelenting
2. 置之死地而後生死 a vigorous and manly exertion
3. 千秋功業 a great undertaking of lasting importance
4. 安居樂業 live in peace and work happily
5. 骨肉分離 family separation
6. 各得其所 be properly provided for
7. 眾議紛紜 disagree on
8. 歲月不居,來日苦短 Time does not stay is brief is the day.
9. 夜長夢多 A long delay may mean trouble.
10. 時不我與 Time and tide wait for no man.
11. 依時順勢 keep up with the tide
12. 日漸沒落 being pushed out of business
13. 鷸蚌相爭 play A off against B
14. 浩然之氣 noble spirit
15. 鳳毛麟角 a rarity of the rarities
16. 望而生畏 stand in awe before
17. 敬而遠之 keep respectfully aloof from
18. 眾矢之的 in the dock
19. 毫無瓜葛 be divorced from
20. 尒虞我詐 sheer cunning and falsehood
21. 備受推崇 be rewarded and respected
22. 善有善報,惡有惡報 the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished
23. 其樂融融 sweetness and light
24. 義無反顧 feel obliged to
25. 物美價廉 attractive in price and quality
26. 源源不斷 keep flowing in a steady stream
27. 滾滾不息 pour into
28. 福祉 well-being
29. 勢不兩立 pit sth against sth
30. 先見之明 prescient move
31. 奇園古宅 exotic gardens and old mansions
32. 信誓旦旦 be poised to
33. 大展鴻圖 score big points
34. 重整旗鼓 shock sth back to life
35. 不謀而合 coincide with
36. 染指 dip one’s finger in
37. 博大精深 both extensive and profound
38. 源遠流長 long-standing and well-established
39. 諸子百家 the masters’ hundred schools
40. 天下為公 All under heaven are equal.
41. 天下興亡,匹夫有責 Everybody is responsible for the fate of his country.
42. 刻苦耐勞 bear hardships
43. 勤儉持家 frugality in household management
44. 尊師重教 respect teachers and value education
45. 當務之急 highest priority

參考網址: http://www.zfide.com/138.html

為友人打氣的英文勵志句子 By Tiffany & Christy


1. Stopping acting like a baby! Pull yourself together!
Pull oneself together的意思就是從新振作起來,或鎮靜下來。

2. Chin up! Only two exams left.
Chin up或keep your chin up 的意思是別氣餒。

3. Be prepared for a rough time. And hang in there.
Hang in there 的意思是別洩氣、堅持下去。

4. I’m sure it’ll work out.
Work out(某種事件)的意思是有效的,切實可行。

5. You can do anything if you really want to. That’s the spirit!
That’s the spirit! 用於鼓勵别人的別怯氣、要勇往直前,這樣才對。

pull oneself together 抖擞起來
chin up 別氣餒
hang in there 堅持住
It’ll work out. 總會有辦法的
That’s the spirit! 那樣才對,那才算好樣的
 參考網址: http://www.zfide.com/257.html

有關「零翻譯」問題的報道 By Laura




《兒童樂園》翻o黎啦 本土化多啦a夢 By James





source: http://www.passiontimes.hk/article/11-21-2013/6378

Thursday, 24 April 2014

有趣的香港街道中英文名稱 By Tiffany

Rose Lane 玫瑰里
Rose Path 玫瑰徑
Rose Street 玫瑰街
Cotton Path 棉花路
Cotton Tree Drive 紅棉路
Lotus Path 荷花徑
Lotus Road 紅荷路
Osmanthus Path 月桂徑
Osmanthus Road 丹桂路
Marigold Path 銀菊徑
Marigold Road 壽菊路

Sun Street 日街
Moon Street 月街
Star Street 星街
Factory Street 工廠街
Mok Cheong Street 木廠街
Tong Chong Street 糖廠街
Shui Chong Street 水廠街

除此之外,我認為最有趣的是位於南丫島電力廠附近的除塵器道 Precipitator Road 和在落馬洲石仔嶺花園附近的波樓路 Po Lau Road。最令我驚奇的是香港真的有Magic Road 和 Fantasy Road!它們是迪士尼周圍的街道,為了配合迪士尼的夢幻童話主題,旁邊的街道被刻意地命名為相關的名稱。

參考 : http://kumadon.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=980441


Stop motion 就是逐格動畫,從中文字意上來看「逐格」就是一格接著一格。其實就是用最簡單的拍照原理,把每一個靜止的連續動作,拍攝下來,再依序串聯,就能形成一部逐格動畫。


在挪威一個動畫工作室,在兩個導師指示下,20個 7-16 歲的孩子,用了一個星期共20小時來拍製以上影片。所有的模型、設計、燈光及拍攝都是由孩子完成的,厲害吧?似乎這也是個很好的啟發,原來與小孩子享受攝影樂趣,除了教他們按快門之外,也可以進行這些具規模的項目呢!
20 children aged 7-16 were instructed by two tutor in a Norway animation studio. They spent 20 hours within a week to make this video. All of the figures, designs, lighting and shooting were done by these 20 children. 


以下還有Behind the scenes:

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


"Ngo ho mo liu ah", "Ngo ng g nei hai bin gor wor", "ho ng ho ah?"



香港語本字 英文拼音
㗎(o架)/架 ga
啫(o者)/姐/嗟 je
嘅(o既) ge
呢/喱 lee
嗎/嘛 ma
宜家/依家/而家 e+

上表所列某些例子在一般文章亦時有使用,因以前電腦的中文字庫並無收錄港式字彙,無法以中文輸入法打出,而被逼轉用近似字或拼音,惟今已成為港女文不可或缺的一部份。如「嗎」、「乜」等中文字庫已收錄的文字,亦要變成拼音字,則為港女文之標記。 而這些文字通常出現在即時通訊如Whatsapp;社交網站如Facebook、Instagram等。



Spanlish Songs - By Kourtney

Remember we know about the film "Spanglish" in our tutorial lessons? Dr. Red also mentioned the use of language mixing in songs. Here are some examples to show this situation.

In recent years, many American singers started to produce Spanish version of their songs. For example, Selena Gomez have released her single "Who Says" in 2011 and it was a big hit at that time.

Later on, she released the Spanish version of this song. The same melody that wrote with Spanish lyrics.

This shows that more people speak Spanish in the US nowadays and Spanish carries a higher value in the country, i.e. it can bring more business opportunities. Not surprisingly, more Spanglish songs were produced.

"The Way" was sang by another American teen singer, Ariana Grande. Soon after the release of the original song, the Spanglish version was produced as well. Let's hear it.

Similar situation also occurred to a new girls group, Fifth Harmony. They have released few Spanglish songs. They even have an entire CD that recorded with all Spanish songs.

With more Spanish speakers in America, it provides a greater market for Spanglish songs. I am sure we can hear a lot more Spanglish songs in the future.

Besides commercial purpose, there are also other reasons for mixing different languages into a song. The theme song of 2010 World Cup, Waka Waka, has added some African languages in the lyrics. Can you think of some reasons behind, except for commercial purpose?

P.S. Hope you enjoy the songs I shared. :)

Jason Mraz & G.E.M- Lucky (Christy Tang)

'Lucky' is a song by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat featured in Mraz's third studio album "We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things."

 Jason Mraz為iTunes Live演唱會擔任嘉賓時,邀請了香港女歌手G.E.M合唱"Lucky",並建議G.E.M.將歌詞改成中文,讓他們的這首合唱歌變成一個獨一無二的L­ive版本。

Original Lyrics

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, oh baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes,
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning 'round
You hold me, right here, right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh, ooh
Ooh ooh ooh,ooh
New Version

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying


I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again...
Ooh ooh ooh

也許他們不懂... 不懂我們的堅定
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
我愛你,一直愛你, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair


I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh, ooh